Quem somos - Gentil Sabor


Gentil Sabor

From the beginning, Maria Fernanda, the owner of the company, launched a business that was destined to be successful. The use of traditional techniques throughout the preparation of our products led to a wide range of pre-cooked specialties, whose success is based on its homely recipes.

Gentil Sabor didn’t have to wait much for its products to get recognition in the market. TRADIÇÃO D’AVOZINHA brand started to get recognition with the customers. After that, Gentil Sabor was launched, as a response to the market’s increasing needs. In 2008, it got new modernised facilities, with technological optimization.    

Gentil Sabor is the result of love and dedication for Portuguese traditional cuisine, which led its owner, Maria Fernanda, to found the company in 1984, when she started to sell pre-cooked products.

Nossa história - Gentil Sabor
Empresa - Gentil Sabor

The company decided it was time to invest on the creation of new products, always with the goal of keeping their Portuguese traditional flavours. This new path was necessary so GENTIL SABOR would be able to follow the market’s technological development and need for innovation.

Everyday has a new challenge to offer. Our goal is to produce food with the best quality, investing on a rigorous selection of ingredients, a thorough supervision in every phase of the productive process, and a meticulous follow-up of the product commercialization, bearing in mind the importance of the relation of confidence between the customer and the seller.