Gentil Sabor has launched its activity with the purpose of enriching the market with exceptional products that are able to recreate the traditional flavours of Portuguese cuisine. Since then, quality is our biggest priority: it is something that we want our customers to be sure of.

The excellence of our products is based on the quality of the ingredients, which are chosen under a rigorous selection process: from the Gadus Morhua codfish, to the wild shrimp, to the fresh meat and to the best spices. Our flavour is never compromised because we ensure our products keep their ingredients’ authentic flavours. In order to know well the origin of these ingredients, we keep a close relation with our suppliers.


Based on the aim for food safety, Gentil Sabor has established a Quality and Food Safety Management through the HACCP system, where we fulfill all legal obligations and follow the highest quality standards of hygiene and food security. We invest in our employees’ formation, training and awareness in various issues concerning the company. The combination between having the best ingredients with unique recipes and an extremely controlled productive process is what allows us to offer our customers and amazing flavour and top quality.

What about innovation? That’s an ongoing challenge. Our aim is to keep on improving and satisfying the market’s demands, keeping an eye on the newest trends, so your table has the best food for you to enjoy!  

Quality and Food Safety Policy

Gentil Sabor is determined to carry on its mission with its customers, improving constantly its Quality and Food Safety System, so it is able to guarantee the healthiness of its traded products.

Hence, we promise to:

- Assess permanently the processes that integrate our Quality and Food Safety Management.

- Work on prepared facilities and with the adequate equipment.

- Satisfy our customers’ necessities.

- Meticulously control the food quality of our products, from the supplier to the customer.

- Establish an ongoing mission for improvement.

- Guarantee the formation of our employees, in order to raise the standards for motivation and efficiency.

- Guarantee the cooperation, dialogue and information transparency with the authorities.

- Develop an interactive communicating method among the company, the suppliers and the clients.

- Guarantee that all legal norms are followed.

- Assure that the Quality and Food Safety Policy is understood by everyone on the company and by our business partners, as well as suppliers, clients and general public.